Make Christmas magic #PortableNorthPole

The festive period is always a bit special in the Dove household as POD’s birthday is on Christmas Day. With her sixth birthday fast approaching, it’s more important than ever to keep the Father Christmas magic alive. She’s still very much a believer and the Portable North Pole is a superb way to ensure that remains the case. What could be better than a message from the big man himself?

What I love about the Portable North Pole is that you can personalise video messages and calls from Father Christmas to your child. The Magic Pass is well worth the £9.99 as you get unlimited premium videos (and HD downloads for each), unlimited phone calls from Santa and a Storytime with Santa video every week this month. Not only that, the PNP Reaction Recorder on the mobile app is a brilliant way to record your childrens’ reactions to their videos and calls! Your Magic Pass is valid for several months too so you can use it for personalised birthday messages too. We’ll be creating something pretty special for POD’s birthday on the 25th December.


How does PNP work? 

The Portable North Pole is really easy to use. There are 12 films to personalise including Greetings from Santa (which is also for grown-ups), Visit an elf house and Christmas Eve. You can see a clip of each to see what it’s like before personalising it. We’ve opted for Your Big Book and Secret Places for POD initially as she’s started asking questions, like how Father Christmas gets down the chimney! We needn’t have worried though, each film is so realistic and the Your Big Book video went down so well. There was lots of chatting back to Father Christmas and waving. Being able to upload recent images made the video even more realistic. Thumbs up all round here, I cannot wait to show her more videos!

Each PNP video takes around ten minutes to create, even less if you’re already registered. There’s a 1 minute clip so you can get a feel for what your preferred option will be like with your child’s film around 5 minutes long. All you do then is include your child’s name and additional details such as what they do, where they live, who they’re friends and family are. There’s also the all important nice, almost nice or naughty verdict! Last year POD wasn’t going to sleep until late so we used the almost nice verdict for a week and it worked wonders!


The same Father Christmas is used in the videos and the calls so you can do a combination of the two if you like. We did a few calls last year and we’ll certainly be doing the same over the coming weeks. There are many options to choose from including working hard at school, Santa’s elves are dancing and Mrs Claus is baking cupcakes in the congratulations section. There’s a section based on behaviour which includes calls such as try harder to listen to your parents and one focused on encouragement with options like you’re being very brave and the elves want to cheer you up. There are also personalised messages for Christmas Eve and birthdays.


PNP has many new features, videos and calls for 2016 – a Santa approved certificate to print for each of your videos is just one of those. There’s also a new toy and gift collection exclusive to John Lewis. What we love most of all is the variety available and the option to alter the images to suit each video, the calls are a superb touch in-between and a reminder for POD that Father Christmas is watching. We cannot recommend Portable North Pole highly enough, £9.99 is nothing to ensure you keep that magic well and truly alive in the lead up to Christmas. It’s also a lot of fun and their reaction makes you melt a little inside.


Disclaimer: We received Portable North Pole Magic Pass for the purpose of this review. Opinions are as always our own. 

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