How to make a mini beast garden

We received another fabulous craft box from Bostik this month. With a mini beasts/garden theme, POD decided she wanted to combine the two and make a mini beast garden she could also plant flower seeds in. Having found a suitable planter and a great spot, on the kitchen window sill outside, we set about making our beasties.

What you’ll need: Felt, pipecleaners, eyes, lolly sticks, green moss, embellishments and glue. We used Bostik clear glue dots and white Blu Tak.

First POD decorated the oblong-shaped felt pieces bringing them to life with eyes, pipecleaner smiles and adorning their bodies with paper flowers. Once four had been done we glued our beasts onto coloured lolly sticks and left them to dry. We also made a couple of fairies with lolly stick bodies using pieces of material and artificial leaves as their clothing. We used pen to draw their faces.

Outside we half filled the planter with soil, added a small succulent we had in the garden and made a rockery using a handful of small stones. After the beasts and fairies were in, we added our green moss around them and sprinkled our seeds in the centre. We chose to use wild flowers as they should work really well with what we have. The outside window sill is undercover so it should keep our mini beast garden looking good.

PODcast Bostik mini beast collageOnce we’d completed our mini beast garden we set about decorating a brown paper bag and a wooden photo frame taking into account the Bostik garden theme. We used felt, coloured shapes, netting material (POD found this doubled up as a great mask!) and ribbon, stick on foam butterflies and flowers – you could use anything else you have to hand. We first stuck the brown netting to the bag using Blu Tak Fast Tac Spray Glue (you need to do this bit outside). We then added the felt and ribbon to the top before adorning it with butterflies and flowers. POD also decorated her wooden frame and we found a spare photograph to fit it too. How wonderful to get to do our crafting outside this month, bring on those sunny days!

Bostik mini beast collage

Disclaimer: We’re a #BostikBlogger family and received a box of craft materials as inspiration for our mini beast and garden themed creations. 

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