Gazillion Tornado – the mega bubble blower

We’re big fans of bubbles in the Dove household. POD adores them and her giggling as she darts about popping them is so infectious! It’s an easy way to make a five year old very happy although I rather enjoy bubbles myself if I’m honest! The Funrise Gazillion Tornado (available from Tesco) is a mega bubble blower which is battery operated and pumps out hundreds of bubbles a minute. POD has wanted a bubble machine for ages so she was almost beside herself when she saw it!

Once the batteries were in (4x AA’s), we took the Gazillion Tornado Premium Bubble Machine outside. It’s plastic and easy to carry with a removable tray at the bottom so you don’t get any bubble mixture on your hands. If you’ve tasted bubbles you’ll know exactly how important a feature this is! There’s just a single button to turn it on so POD could turn it on and off with ease. The Gazillion Tornado Premium Bubble Machine then rotates with the wands collecting bubble mixture as it spins. It takes a few seconds to build up momentum and then BOOM – a tornado of hundreds of bubbles!

PODcast Gazillion bubbles

Gazillion Tornado bubbles collage 1We got through the first 4oz bottle of Gazillion bubble mixture fairly swiftly although I’m sure I spilt some on the way out to the garden! It’s probably best to get the machine in position first so you can avoid that. We found having the bubble machine on a completely flat surface so the wands rotate as they should made the bubbles last a lot longer than it being on uneven grass. The 4oz bottles lasted a good ten minutes or so each after that which meant POD had a good amount of time playing.

PODcast Gazillion Tornado bubbles collage 2POD ran about the garden shouting about her ‘bubble forest’ and thought it highly entertaining to name each bubble as she popped it! We also got to see her swimming in bubbles and fighting dragons in order to save the bubble machine! She has the most wonderful imagination and has an ability to turn pretty much anything into a story! You can get a taste of that in this little video we made. I can see the Gazillion Tornado coming out a lot now the weather is improving and it will certainly feature at POD’s ‘non-birthday’ party in the summer. She absolutely loves it!

Disclaimer: We received the Funrise Gazillion Tornado mega bubble blower (RRP £12.99) and 3x 4oz bottles of Gazillion bubbles (available from Tesco) for the purpose of this review. Opinions are our own. 

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  • Michelle Twin Mum March 8, 2016 at 9:53 pm

    Wow, what an opportunity to get amazing photos. I love that first one of Pod, this looks like so much fun. Mich x

  • The Mummy Diary March 8, 2016 at 10:01 pm

    Oh wow, we love bubbles here and this is just amazing, definitely on my summer wish list for the garden. Just look at all of those bubbles and they make for beautiful pictures.

  • Kara March 9, 2016 at 7:24 am

    We have this too and it is great isn’t it. How did you get your bubbles looking so bright in your pics?

  • oana79 March 9, 2016 at 8:40 pm

    Beautiful photos and such a reasonably priced bubble machine!xx