A fairy in Peter Pan

POD has been involved in a couple of plays at school since she started in September. First came a nativity which saw her take on a convincing role as a King and sing with two others. She had the most splendid costume, king-like as you’d expect but with a Cleopatra style collar and shiny crown. It was a polished performance from everyone, all credit to the school for pulling it together and ensuring the children had such a great time. Last term saw POD take on the role of octopus in an adaptation of Rainbow Fish. Dressed in blue leggings and a blue top, with stuffed legs stitched onto it, POD had even perfected a deep octopus voice! It was quite something to see the children sign as they sang too. She seems to relish performing so when the opportunity arose to do a two week trial at Stagecoach, she was really keen.

Stagecoach Theatre Arts School is all about embracing creativity. The Early Stages classes are suitable for 4-6 year olds with a 90 minute class every week. The focus is very much on building confidence, teaching children to sing, dance and act in a fun environment. We didn’t get to see what POD was doing during the trial period but she’d come out beaming and asking to go back. Signing her up for the rest of term was a no brainer and we recently got to see POD in her first performance – Peter Pan.

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POD normally has gymnastics before her Stagecoach class but skipped it today to attend rehearsals. They practised in the studio behind the waiting area too so it was lovely to hear what they were doing – even if the curtains were drawn to ensuring parents didn’t peek! As well as her fairy costume, and packed lunch, POD also received her first pair of dance shoes. She wasn’t overly impressed initially but soon realised they were easier to dance in than trainers.

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The performance itself was fairly short but lovely with most of the girls fairies and the boys pirates. Although I suspect POD secretly wanted to be Tinkerbell, she’s not been at Stagecoach long and can get distracted at times. I love that she waved and did the thumbs up signal to highlight she was alright though. It was a great show and adorable to see the children sing and dance in unison.

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Photography was allowed so we were able to capture POD in action although the images cannot be published for obvious reasons. She did some classic posing afterwards and had a little run around the garden too. POD is keen to continue going to Stagecoach so we’re just about to embark on a second term with no doubt another show at the end of it.

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Joining in with #LoudnProud which this week is hosted by Mum of 3 World.  

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  • Sarah MumofThree World April 1, 2016 at 4:37 pm

    This is fantastic, very well done to POD! You must have been so proud!
    So glad it was my week to host Loud ‘n’ Proud when you linked this up, because performing children is totally up my street! My daughter did a trial at Stagecoach recently, but we couldn’t afford for her to do it without her dropping a couple of dance classes and that was too big a decision for her to make! So no Stagecoach for her at the moment.

  • Anne April 4, 2016 at 3:37 pm

    Well done Pod, how wonderful she’s loving Stage Coach, and how lovely for you to get to see her perform. She looks absolutely adorable as a fairy. x

  • JuggleMum, Nadine Hill April 4, 2016 at 7:15 pm

    Such beautiful photos – it is so lovely that you are taking things like this now as I suspect when she is a teenager (like my daughter) you won’t get her in fairy wings for love nor money – well, not until she wants to go to Ibiza with her mates on an 18-30s holiday! These are stunning memories to look back on and enjoy! x

  • Jess @ Catch A Single Thought April 5, 2016 at 11:11 am

    Gorgeous photos, and it sounds like POD had an amazing time in her performance as well. I bet you were really proud!

  • clare AKA Emmy's Mummy April 5, 2016 at 10:44 pm

    You must be so proud!!
    Emmy keeps asking to go to dancing classes but when we get there she refuses to join in

  • Sonya Cisco April 6, 2016 at 4:12 pm

    Oh she looks so totally adorable!! My daughter loved stagecoach and dance classes when she was little – my boys aren’t interested at all sadly as I think it can be great for confidence!