Easter craft ideas for kids #BostikBlogger

With Easter coming up next month, we’ve been busy pulling together a few craft ideas. From cards and lolly stick friends to wooden spoon creatures and a pipe cleaner chick. All of these are pretty straightforward and created with the help of five year old POD.

Easter cards 

What you’ll need: Foam sheets, card, eyes, washi tape, ribbon, flower embellishments and glue.

For the hatching chick, we first glued a foam sheet chick to a piece of card using Blu Tak Fast Tac Spray Glue. This is awesome glue and sticks almost instantaneously but, as with all aerosols, do it outside if you can. We then cut a zig zag across the egg so we could give the appearance of the chick hatching. The bottom part of the egg was glued in place using the Blu Tak Fast Tac Spray Glue. For the top we used Bostik White Glue which is white but rather handily dries clear. Once in place we added the washi tape and ribbon which can be cut to size once the glue is completely dry. We also added eyes and a beak. The latter made by cutting out a diamond shape and folding it in half.

For the other Easter card, we used the same foam sheet cutting out a circle shape for the chick’s body and an oval for its wing. We then took our orange card to cut out a heart shape and triangle to form the feet and beak. We had a few embellishments left over so these were added to card too.

Lolly stick friends 

What you’ll need: Lolly sticks, foam sheet, card, feathers, eyes, washi tape, felt or left over material, embellishments and glue.

Lolly stick friends are great fun to make and you can be as creative as you like, we decided to make a rabbit and a chick. The rabbit was mostly made out of card and we added layers to bring her to life – like the ears, the nose, the top and shorts. Once we were happy with the basic design, we added eyes, a nose and whiskers using a black pen. The chick was made in a similar way to the hatching chick Easter card except we added some feathers to the back.

Wooden spoon chick and rabbit 

What you’ll need: Wooden spoons, paint, card, eyes, feathers, ribbon and glue.

First of all we painted both of our spoons in yellow and white. We left both to dry overnight, keeping the spoons upright by sticking them in a lump of Blu Tac. We then added the ribbon, you can use what’s available, and brought the faces to life with eyes and a nose. We used black pen on the rabbit’s face. The ears were made by sticking two pieces of white paper together with the Blu Tak Fast Tac Spray Glue and once dry added the pink card. We didn’t have any white card but if you do you can use that instead of sticking two pieces of paper together as we did. The ears need to be sturdy so they don’t rip. We also added a feather to the chick. Our feather had a little wire around the bottom but if it doesn’t you can just glue it in place on the back of the spoon. We glued ours too using the Bostik White Glue to keep it in position. PODcast Bostik collage 1Treat bag 

What you’ll need: Card, shredded paper, washi tape, eyes, polystyrene or chocolate mini eggs and Bostik’s White Glue.

Treat bags come in all shapes and sizes. While we were quite keen on one made out of lolly sticks with pipe cleaners for handles, we settled on this simpler version. All you need to do is fold a piece of card (or two sheets of paper) in half and glue the sides. Once dry you can decorate the bag as you wish, add the shredded paper and your eggs. We opted for a rabbit design so we made ears, similar to those shown above, and a face. While we did have real chocolate for our treat bag, we *accidentally* ate it!

Pipecleaner chick 

What you’ll need: One pipecleaner, card, eyes and Bostik’s White Glue.

This is a super easy craft activity. All you need to do is to wind your pipecleaner around a pen then loosen it so it vaguely resembles a chick shape and stands up on it’s own. You can hide the ends of the pipecleaner inside the body. We then carefully added some feet (a pointy heart shape works well), a beak and the eyes. You could just as easily make a rabbit and attach some ears at the back using a foam sheet.

Pom pom creatures 

What you’ll need: Pom poms, card, eyes, Bostik White Glue.

We made a chick and a rabbit although the latter does resemble some kind of blue rabbit alien. You just need to stick the pom pom to its feet and add the face, leaving it all to dry for an hour or so.

Egg box nest 

What you’ll need: Egg box, paint, shredded paper, a feather, a chick, polystyrene or chocolate eggs and Bostik White Glue.

While our egg box nest resembles a boat *allegedly*, the key is getting the egg box quality right. We had one that sucked up our paint like blotting paper so we had to give it a couple of coats to keep it yellow! Once the paint is dry you can add your feather, the shredded paper, the chick and the treats.

PODcast Bostik collage 2 easterDisclaimer: We are a #BostikBlogger and received a box of craft materials as inspiration for Easter. 

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  • Tracey @ mummyshire February 15, 2016 at 8:27 am

    I love these as they’re all accessible and look like lots of fun without being too intricate
    G think we’re certainly going to have a go at making your treat bag (that’ll go down a treat!)
    Thank you xx