Dragonflies and dragons teeth

How amazing has the weather been recently? We were thrilled to come back from holiday to find the UK basking in sunshine, potentially more so than Corsica if I’m honest. We had such a brilliant time though. A really good week away which largely involved POD trying just about every activity Mark Warner had on offer! From sailing, windsurfing and kayaking to tennis, badminton and volleyball – she just didn’t stop! It’s been a very busy time what with work and heading off again shortly after our holiday. I wouldn’t change a thing though, we relish exploring new places.

We enjoy discovering what’s on our doorstep too. You’d think after nearly 8 years in Surrey, after upping sticks from London, we’d have visited everywhere but you’d be amazed at how many new places we find. Just recently, we took a wander along the River Wey and Godalming Navigations and made the most remarkable discovery. Typically we walk along the River Wey near Dapdune Wharf but on this occasion, with POD on her bike, we ventured in a different direction. We passed houses that had the river at the foot of their gardens. Some with boats and some without. Others had seating out, seemingly ready for reading the paper over a coffee or enjoying a glass of something cold on a warm summer’s evening. There was barely a cloud in the sky and dozens of dragonflies darting about as we raced after POD on her bike.

It was such a still day and once we’d passed the houses, there was barely a soul around other than the odd barge or canoeist that would pass by along the river. Stoke Lock proved to be hugely exciting for POD as there were three boats in the locks patiently waiting for the water to rise. I’m sure given half a chance she would have attempted to jump on board but we moved swiftly on, over a bridge and into some wetlands.

Although we’d not walked along this boardwalk before, it seemed strangely familiar. Rather like the beautiful Riverside Park and Nature Reserve which is not far away. In fact, we coincidentally discovered a pond so I’m sure they link up. We need to have a nose around when we don’t have POD’s bike with us as it’s not the lightest to carry.

Having taken the paths through the wetlands, we headed into some woods only to make the most remarkable discovery. Row upon row of dragons teeth tank defences, there must have been over a hundred of them. Is it not every day you make a discovery like this is it? We even found an old stone trench or rifle pit. I’ve since read somewhere there is a further pit, even larger than the one we saw, and potentially a third although we’re not entirely sure where. There’s limited information available online so if you know more about these, we’d love to know what they were for and if there is anything else to be discovered. And there was us thinking we’d just go for a wander along the canal!


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