Costa Verde, Corsica | Cervione

Located in Corsica’s Costa Verde is Cervione, an enchanting village with stone houses, cobbled alleyways and astonishing views. This little-known part of Corsica is situated just half an hour from second largest city Bastia.

We spent an afternoon in Cervione with our four-year-old daughter POD. We fell in love with it not long after we got out of the taxi! One side of the main street is lined with quirky cafes and the other spectacular panoramic views. It’s no wonder it was nicknamed ‘the balcony by the sea’.

PODcast - Cervione collage 1On arrival we headed towards the bell tower to begin exploring. At the top of the cobbled alleyway was a charming square and Cathedrale de Saint Erasme – a former Roman Catholic Cathedral and a national monument of France. It was the seat of the Bishop of Aleria and is today one of the Corsica’s earliest baroque cathedrals.

Inside is a marbled black and white floor, wooden stalls and an impressive organ. The domed ceiling is most impressive and you almost lost your balance taking in its detail. POD’s not been in a cathedral of this size before and spent the majority of our time in there looking up with her mouth open.

PODcast - Cervione collage 2Outside we noticed swallows had made nests along the front of the cathedral. We presumed this were the case because there were so many swallows in Cervione. To the left of the cathedral was a doorway, almost hidden, into a quaint looking restaurant. If you walked past, you may even miss it completely if you didn’t know it was there. A local cafe beckoned, with the temperature pushing thirty degrees and no sea air, we were in need of some refreshments.

PODcast - Cervione collage 3We missed the Museum of Cervione which is near the cathedral but we had plenty to keep ourselves occupied. Back in the main street we found a double door, with an impressive lion door knocker, slightly ajar. Inside were two stone pillars, a beautiful ceiling and steps leading to what we presumed to be flats. The entrance was not in the best condition but you could see it must have been very grand at some point.
PODcast - Cervione collage 4Below the main street was the prettiest playground I think I’ve ever seen. Boasting the most stunning views, it was almost like a walled garden set in the mountain. Above it were more stone buildings with shutters and the clock tower was once again visible.
PODcast - Cervione collage 5POD loved the playground and took great delight in trying everything. She wasn’t very happy when we had to leave although the blow was softened slightly when we spotted a lizard close-by.

PODcast - Cervione collage 6

Everywhere you look in Cervione is something that makes you go wow. Whether it’s the lonesome house set in the hillside, the chiming of the bell tower or the magnificent views, it’s a special place.

PODcast - Cervione collage 7Thankfully there are cafes aplenty too so when the heat gets a bit too much, you can stop, grab a beer and just take it all in.

PODcast - Cervione collage 8Linking up with #whatsthestory here on PODcast.

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  • Carrie-Time to be an Adult July 27, 2015 at 8:49 am

    How beautiful! We’ve just booked to go on a cruise next year that will visit Corsica…I’m even more excited now looking at your photographs!

  • JuggleMum, Nadine Hill July 27, 2015 at 9:37 am

    Stop, grab a beer and take it all in – sounds like a plan to me!!!

  • Sonia July 27, 2015 at 9:45 am

    I’ve always wanted to go to Corsica, it looks amazing. Your photos are beautiful and just make me want to go even more x

  • Lins @Boo & Maddie July 27, 2015 at 1:21 pm

    This looks absolutely beautiful and so peaceful and quiet too. Stunning scenery x

  • lisa prince July 27, 2015 at 3:47 pm

    wow what a gorgeous looking place to go, i love culture thrilled places so this is something i would enjoy

  • Erika July 27, 2015 at 3:55 pm

    I do love architecture and I find that I spend a lot of time when I visit places looking up at the buildings! Stunning pictures.

  • Jen aka Muminthemadhouse July 27, 2015 at 4:16 pm

    Oh I am green with envy. I so need a family holiday, but funds are tight this year, so a staycation it will have to be!

  • Hannah Wood (staveley) July 27, 2015 at 9:06 pm

    Looks amazing would love to go on a holiday to a place such as this.

  • Sarah Bailey July 27, 2015 at 9:22 pm

    Wow what a beautiful looking place – some gorgeous views and sights to explore. x

  • Kara July 28, 2015 at 7:26 am

    It looks like a simply stunning place to visit. It was my one regret when we went away that we did not go off the resort

  • Liz Burton July 28, 2015 at 1:04 pm

    It looks like exactly my kind of place to explore. What stunning views too.

  • oana79 July 28, 2015 at 5:21 pm

    Stunning, stunning photos, Charly! I totally understand the heat aspect, we hide in the house after noon and do not dare out until after 7 in the evening at the moment!xx

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    […] the majority of my time splashing around in the pool. We did take a trip to the nearby and rather magnificent Cervione one afternoon, it had a playground and cafes that sell ice cream and apple […]

  • Rebecca Smith July 28, 2015 at 11:23 pm

    Wow what a beautiful place! I totally get what you mean about the heat though, sometimes you just need to take a breather x

  • Rachel July 29, 2015 at 7:06 pm

    It looks so beautiful not to mention picturesque x

  • VaiChin @RamblingThroughParenthood July 29, 2015 at 7:48 pm

    Your photos tell such a beautiful story, as always. They really give you a feel for the place.

  • Sonya Cisco July 29, 2015 at 9:01 pm

    Beautiful words and even more beautiful pictures – sounds and looks like a wonderful place to visit.

  • Andrea July 29, 2015 at 9:22 pm

    Wow this place looks stunning! You have a talent for photography too!

  • Ninjacat July 30, 2015 at 9:15 am

    Stunning I truly adore your pictures

  • Abi - Angel Eden Blog August 1, 2015 at 7:18 pm

    What wonderful photos, wish I could just teleport there!

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    Oh WOW! This place looks absolutely gorgeous – I would love to visit. Your photos are stunning. Kaz x