Braun Series 3 ProSkin #SensitiveDads

The new Braun Series 3 ProSkin is a real hero for sensitive skin, and launching just in time for Father’s Day, it’s the perfect gift for sensitive dads. I’ve partnered with Braun to tell you about some of the times the POD Father has shown his sensitive side! It’s funny how being a parent changes perspective isn’t it? I’m not sure he had much of a sensitive side before POD arrived, there were definitely no tears. Not that I remember anyway. Well blubbing is not befitting for an ex-rugby type really is it? We’ve been together 18 years now by the way so my memory might be slightly hazy. Even when we discovered I was pregnant, it was more of a joyous occasion. Although we were seriously distracted when we played a game of tennis afterwards that’s for sure!

Since POD was born the POD Father gets emotional at the drop of a hat. Anything on television that pulls on the old heart strings whether it be a film, a documentary or sometimes even the news. Programmes about children almost break him, particularly when it’s kids in need, children doing something incredible or they’re the same age as POD. Of course it’s different getting emotional at home versus watching POD in a performance for example. It’s never a good look to completely lose it in public is it?

Sometimes though, it’s unavoidable and those emotions just spill on over. My lasting memory of the POD Father showing his sensitive side was when POD was born. I’m sure all fathers get emotional when their children were born. But after 72 hours in labour, when POD finally did appear, the POD Father lost it. And I mean properly lost it, shaking shoulders, wailing, the works! Who knew he even had that in him. I’ll be honest, it was hilarious. It was certainly an unforgettable moment that’s for sure. POD arrived on Christmas Day to the sound of the Salvation Army singing Good King Wenceslas outside the delivery suite. Perhaps that contributed too. Other sensitive moments certainly pale into insignificance in comparison – I still find it amusing six years later!

We all know dads have their moments and occasionally reveal that they’re sensitive souls after all. The Braun Series 3 ProSkin is an ideal Father’s Day gift for the sensitive dad as it gives a close soothing shave providing skin efficiency and comfort. Designed for time-poor dads who want fuss free results, it has advanced MicroComb technology which guides beard hairs into the cutting element of the trimmer. This is great for reducing overall shaving time and of course skin irritation which is what #SensitiveDads need. There are also three independent floating cutting elements and two SensoFoils which adapt to the contour of the face. It’s the ideal gift for dads with sensitive skin whether they have spots, dryness or redness.

Father’s Day is fast approaching (where has this year gone!) and takes place on the 18th June this year. You can have a good look at the Braun Series 3 ProSkin on the Braun website and it’s available to purchase from Amazon. If you’re looking for even more ideas for Father’s Day, check out our Ultimate Father’s Day Gift Guide.

Disclaimer: I’m working with Braun and BritMums in a paid relationship, showcasing the Braun Series 3 ProSkin designed with #SensitiveDads in mind. 

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  • Kate May 26, 2017 at 3:57 pm

    Love that last pic so much! Sounds like events conspired to make him get emotional when your child was born. At least it wasn’t “When A Child is Born” by Jonny Mathis! Thanking you for posting on BritMums

    • Charly Dove June 2, 2017 at 9:46 am

      Thank you so much Kate. I’ve got lots of photos of them together but I do love this one too 🙂

  • Susie Dove May 26, 2017 at 4:28 pm

    It was always there, my sensitive son, love him!

    • Charly Dove June 2, 2017 at 9:47 am

      He has his moments 🙂

  • Someone's Mum (Danielle) May 30, 2017 at 9:09 am

    Awww this post is lovely and you have such beautiful photos revealing his sensitive side. It is wonderful to hear about other #SensitiveDads

    • Charly Dove June 2, 2017 at 9:48 am

      Thank you so much Danielle, it’s a wonderful campaign isn’t it.

  • Sam | North East Family Fun Blog May 30, 2017 at 12:56 pm

    Loved your birth story ! I bet it’s a good one to bring up at family gatherings.

    Seriously though, it’s fab that your partner can display his emotions.

    • Charly Dove June 2, 2017 at 9:49 am

      It’s another one to save up for my daughter’s 18th isn’t it – along with all the embarrassing photos I’ll take of her over the years! Was the most surreal moment 🙂

  • Hayley McLean May 30, 2017 at 9:21 pm

    Ahhh that birth story is so adorable!!! I think that needs to be mentioned in the wedding speeches! 😉 xx

    • Charly Dove June 2, 2017 at 9:50 am

      Haha you’re so right Hayley, we definitely need to save it for a rainy day!

  • A Moment With Franca June 2, 2017 at 10:40 pm

    What a wonderful birth story! Wow, 72 hrs in labour! I was 24 hrs in labour and thought it was a lot! LOL, I can imagine how emotional he was! I love when you can see that sensitive side in your partners. It is lovely! I really like all your photos. You really capture perfectly well his sensitive side, 🙂 x

  • Jen Walshaw June 5, 2017 at 11:05 pm

    72 hours in labour is a long time, no wonder he lost it. Oh and Children in need is banned in this house as the husbeast just sobs!

  • Laura June 6, 2017 at 2:27 pm

    Oh I do love your wonderful photography and also how good are those shavers!! Great for sensitive skin – John has given it a go and he has very sensitive skin and it’s worked wonders

    Laura x