
POD’s most recent hobby is undressing and whipping off her nappy. A funny game for a toddler not yet potty trained. Shouting “I done a poo” down the monitor, to get Mummy or Daddy upstairs, is often coupled with “I naked” on arrival at her bedroom door.

Since POD learnt to scale the bars of her cot, and they had to come down, nap time has become play time. Books are hurled off the shelf, toys are strewn across the floor and dollies are mercilessly stripped.

POD’s been saying “I need a wee” for a while now. Despite this the potty is yet to be christened. It remains home to Mickey Mouse, fish and a host of farm animals. It’s also a hat. Similarly, the child toilet seat hangs untested on a door. On occasion it’s used as a springboard to access the bath from a different direction.

Recently POD has felt the need to strip whenever she’s done a wee. Usually this involves removing all clothes except for her vest, the poppers of which are resealed once she’s disposed of the nappy. Attempts to replace her nappy have so far proved fruitless although she will give it a go if she can reach one. Or five.

Bathtime consists of running around naked and diving on Mummy and Daddy’s bed. Since POD said “I need a wee” when she was mid flow the latter is short lived. Much cleaning had followed although her bedroom carpet will never be the same especially after the Sudocrem incident.

POD knows what the potty is for. She sits on it daily albeit just to amuse herself and humour us. I would choose this over the sight that greeted me this week though. You never want to hear your toddler shout “I have poo on my finger” down the monitor.

Thankfully the mess was minimal. I arrived at POD’s bedroom to discover her nappy lying, right side up, on the bed. On the floor was a pile of baby wipes where she’d attempted to clean her own bottom. Nappies were littered across the floor. At first glance I thought it clever POD had sealed some of these. Then I realised she’d also emptied the nappy bin. It seems our little bottom warrior is in training for potty training.

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  • MummyNeverSleeps March 20, 2013 at 2:09 pm

    HA! I remember this stage with Bean. They become oddly fascinated with their um… excretions, but it def sounds as though your bottom warrior is definitely gearing up for the potty 😉 thanks so much for linking up! x

  • Charly Dove March 20, 2013 at 2:21 pm

    She’s obsessed! Can you imagine what we’ll be like when the potty is actually used. Hope you’re enjoying being the Funee Linky queen 🙂

  • WallyMummy March 20, 2013 at 2:35 pm

    God that really made me laugh! Yet sympathise so much at the same time :/ x I have all this to come… Lol x p.s. we have also had our own sudocrem incident… Ha! Xx

    • Charly Dove March 20, 2013 at 9:52 pm

      Thanks lovely, you’re blog is fab. Good luck with the MAD’s 🙂

  • The Beesley Buzz March 20, 2013 at 7:40 pm

    This is just hilarious!!! I thought I was beyond laughing at potty / toilet humour after my two boys go on about poos and wees all the time – but we all just fell about laughing (the boys are reading this with me and are now saying “i done a poo on my finger” in a little childs voice. I hate to tell them that they might have to face all this for real when their little sister potty trains! Off to read about the sudocrem incident as my son had a love of eating sudocrem when he was younger xxx

    • Charly Dove March 20, 2013 at 9:55 pm

      Thank you so much. Glad I kept you amused, I’ve not mastered humorous story yet! The Sudocrem incident was a very messy experience 🙂

  • Little Rascal Reviews March 20, 2013 at 8:00 pm

    I love the fact she’s sussed the monitor is actually the same as talking to you (smart!). My LO has a piano with a microphone & earlier declared “Microphone says I need a snack”…they’re all bizarre I tell you!

    • Charly Dove March 20, 2013 at 9:53 pm

      That’s genius, they’re so funny! POD has so sussed us. Bit of a worry considering she’s two!

  • Jaime Oliver March 21, 2013 at 8:25 am

    I am hearing you!! Joshua is just as painful at the minute and has yet to christen the damn thing!

    • Charly Dove March 21, 2013 at 8:35 am

      So frustrating isn’t it! There will be such a celebration when the thing is actually christened 🙂

  • Mum Reinvented March 21, 2013 at 7:54 pm

    You just reminded me what is to come with my little monster! Mind you he’s started doing a good stripper impression already although thankfully not when he’s done anything in his nappy! I once walked in on his sister thinking how quiet she was one morning and found her naked and smothered in poo, not only her though, the walls, the cot, the floor, the curtains. Makes me shudder just remembering it!

    • Charly Dove March 21, 2013 at 8:56 pm

      You’ll be able to use my blog as a reference point although it sounds like little man is ahead of himself already! I so hope I don’t find POD covered in poo but after the Sudocrem incident anything is possible. That must have been horrific x

  • Actually Mummy... March 23, 2013 at 2:28 am

    Oh dear, we never had the poo exploration phase although I do know people who had it all over their walls on a regular basis… !

  • Charly Dove March 23, 2013 at 9:55 am

    Oh god I hope she doesn’t do that, how grim! POD doesn’t like wet paint on her hands so here’s hoping she won’t get that curious 🙂

  • sarahhillwheeler March 26, 2013 at 12:07 pm

    It sounds like she is making a good start. J had a major melt down when he put his finger in his nappy – inconsolable, so I am sure POD has a healthier approach. And I’m glad it’s not just me who has potties as impromptu toy containers.

    • Charly Dove March 26, 2013 at 2:38 pm

      They’re funny aren’t they? This whole process seems to take forever! Like J POD is not keen on getting her fingers dirty so I’m hoping we stay mess free. Maybe one day she’ll use the potty as it was intended!

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