Are you a Netflix cheater?

According to a new study published by Netflix today, nearly half of streaming couples around the world have “cheated” on their significant other. By that I mean watching a TV show on Netflix ahead of your partner. This new research shows there’s been a huge increase over the past four years with cheating becoming common behaviour. The UK is a nation of serial cheaters with 81% doing it multiple times. A third of those have done it more than four times too. Although if you’re going to cheat, you’re going to cheat right?

Much as we enjoy our own programmes on Netflix, the POD Father and I have always watched the Originals together. It’s a written rule and with each episode running into the next, it would be really obvious if there was any cheating going on. But we do tend to binge watch on one profile which is why I had no idea there had been some cheating going on!

There are loads of really great TV shows on Netflix so we agreed what we’d watch together and in what order. Stranger Things is right up there as a season we both wanted to see. But it seems my own husband has been watching it on the sly. Not just a sneaky peek at one episode either – he’s watched an entire season!!! I mean seriously how sneaky is that?

As it turns out, Stranger Things is one of the top cheat-worthy shows and having seen the first episode, I can totally see why. The likes of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, A Series of Unfortunate Events, One Day at a Time and Ultimate Beastmaster are also up there. Ok I *might* have watched a few episodes of Gilmore Girls without him. More #NetflixCheating!

So what’s happening, how come we’re all succumbing to temptation? Well it turns out us Brits have no self-control as it’s hard to tear yourself away, especially when on a binge. With nearly 70% of us admitting we’d be a Netflix cheat if we could get away with it, I hope you enjoyed the tips and tricks above.

If on the other hand you’re snuggling up together for some Valentine’s streaming, Netflix has over 100 romantic genres to choose from. From the Critically Acclaimed An Education or Funny Girl to Quirky Romance (Blind Date), Romantic Tearjerkers (The End of the Affair), Steamy Romantic Movies (Damage), Classic Romance (Titanic) or Romantic Sport Comedies (Chalet Girl).

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